Our Malta February 2014 tour has finally ended, and after 10 special days with some guests from around the world, we can deem ourselves very satisfied, and start sharing some photographs on this humble space!
The tour brought us into various venues, starting from St Anne square and tigne point mall in Sliema, to the lovely town of Marsaxlokk (shoutout to our friends from MUYA!) and a quiet and cosy event in St. Julian’s.
The most interesting thing about these tours, is how people who know nothing about Sahaja Yoga, and especially know nothing about indian style classical music, approach us, and are amazed by the quality of the performance.
This style of music and Sahaja Yoga go hand in hand, and we can say that every single piece we played, was a means for the divine energy Kundalini, to rise and to let our inner divinity blossom like a beautiful lotus.
Through music we were able to communicate Sahaja Yoga in a different, more subtle, loving and fun way, as the music itself is pure vibrations. The people present at these concerts were absolutely delighted, and some of them did not want to leave the venue after the performance was finished! Other beautiful souls liked it so much that they decided to join us on two or three different dates.
It was truly a wonderful experience that we, all the yogis from Malta, Russia, Vienna, Estonia, Italy, China enjoyed fully. We certainly hope to repeat the experience this year. we learned a lot, and we know in what areas we can do better. Perhaps next time we will be able to offer such a performance to our neighbours from Gozo.
So what is next?
Many people asked us about our free meditation classes, where hopefully some nice music performance can as well be offered.
We are currently still on the search for a proper, private venue for us to hold these classes in; we have not forgotten any of you who have so graciously joined us, and who want to know more about what the message of Sahaja Yoga is.
More info will be coming soon on our part, and we hope to join with all of you once again for some meditation.
In the mean time, please enjoy some photographs taken during our time together in Malta!
Very Dear Beautiful Sahaja Yogis,
Congratulations on “Realising” Malta!
When you look at a map of the whole area – you realize Malta is right in the centre of the Mediterranean, & Africa & the Arab Countries are to the East, West, & South; Europe is to the North. This was “the known” world for thousands of years. I feel Our Mother has protected Malta & its people for centuries. It is a special place. It’s funny how Britain kept Malta: & the Maltese were in favour of this (mostly!) All the new people – as varied as they are – looked so happy, in all the different places you gave Realization. Even the 2 Muslim ladies….Well done: it just feels like “all blessings”, in other words I feel Our Mother would have been very happy.
With much love & appreciation, From David Sharp, in New Zealand.