Yuvas Shaktis Tour of Perú in 2015

Yuvas Shaktis Tour of Perú in 2015

Dear Collective,

Jai Shri Mataji!

As part of our spiritual growth, we are organising our first Yuvas Shaktis tour 2015, for which, given the complexity of the organisation and being such a small collectivity, we affectionately request your support by vibrations for Mother to shine a light on the project and enable us to fulfill the foreseen dates and accomplish the objective of spreading Sahaja Yoga in the different parts of the country, changing its vibrations.


Peru 2015

The links for the tour are as follows:

Please contact us if you would like more information about this tour at: [email protected]

Thank you,

With Love,
Shantal and the Peruvian Collective.

One comment

  1. Nitya

    Dear our brothers and sisters, may your Divine blessings be fulfilled with spontaneous flow of param, may every step of yours be a swayambhu of Shri Ganesha. Let the beautiful light of innocence of Shri Ganesh and Divine wisdom of Shri Hanumana be manifested through us.

    Loads of Nirmal love.
    From one among you

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