Wuhan  “…much dancing and clapping”

Wuhan “…much dancing and clapping”

(News from China Tour – Wuhan program, Tuesday October 4, 2011)

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Yogis, The essence of the Mooladhara is the innocence of a child that is the total surrender to God as Our  Divine Mother and it is within this essence that everything that is good and noble in Sahaja Yoga begins, and it is where our ascent truly begins.

In Wuhan, the innocence of Shri Ganesha flows strongly within this collective, as we have enjoyed with all the collectives that we have been privileged to spend some time while in China touring.

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The connection in China through the Yogis with Shri Mataji is very strong and pure.  There is a deep detachment from materialism, and a purity which allows the Chinese Yogis to really feel like we all belong to one family. The Chinese collective are all working for their ascent and for God’s work which  allows them to rise above that reality that is fixed in individuality and Ego,  and  to naturally live within a harmonious collective reality.

The Wuhan collective is one of the smaller of the Chinese collectives in numbers only, around 30, but  they are certainly not limited in capacity nor in their  achievements.

The Wuhan public program was held outdoors within a campus like development so everything had to be brought in from the stage, to the seating, sound, lighting… everything needed to host a program of a completely professional standard.

The Wuhan collective executed all the arrangements brilliantly, the whole event was so well organised. The program had about 200 people attend. During a break in the music, the seekers were given their self Realisation after which there was much dancing and clapping.

The audience was very different to the many of the programs held during the Tour where many of the programs were hosted at University venues and on campus, where there were many more students present. Here, the audience were older and took a little more time for the vibrations to open their hearts

Once Chinese seekers here receive their Self Realisation, there is a kind of Egoless untainted enthusiasm they display for Sahaj Yoga, seldom seen in our countries within the seekers.

When the level of self commitment from 100% of the Sahaj collective who are giving of their time, money, and effort to take up Shri Mataji’s work,  and to follow Her Will there is no limit to what can be achieved .

One remembers the days of our youth when our collectives were like this in the early eighties when many of us first came to Sahaj. It warms the heart to see the golden times and days when Sahaja Yoga was first being established in the West reawakened and relived here in China.

Coming to collectives like Wuhan, Chengdu, Tianjin, Nanjing, Shanghai and Beijing, one centre after another displaying this total open hearted commitment,  we all feel a little humble and know we can learn so much from their examples, and from Yogis who are so called ‘new’ to Sahaja Yoga.

In Sahaja Yoga when we allow the attention to focus within, as we enter Nirvichara the main quality is silence, inner silence, we dwell within the inner reality of the fortress of silence, of the undisturbed peace, joy, and tranquility and we become the detached witness who acts. This state of being is so strongly experienced with each of the local Yogis we meet. China derives of an ancient culture and people, who when spiritually enlightened, are naturally and spontaneously Sahaj in all they do.

This has been one of most profound experiences of the Tour, which is to be  given the opportunity  to share these experiences with the Chinese collectives.

An important correction from a past communication about one of our new Sahaja Yogi legends in Frank from Shengzu when it was reported that Frank has given Realisation to 10,000.  This mind could not actually grasp that the actual number is between 50,000 and 100,000, and while this is not shared as in any sense to compare, or compete in numbers,  but only in the sense that one committed, simple and honest Yogi can change his world in such a profoundly spiritually way.

Sincerely,  Chris (on behalf of the China Tour team)


  1. PremSahaji Bhutan

    Jai Shri Mataji,

    Kaaaas!!! mai bhi wahan hota……. offff, if I were there……..

    This is the blessings you are getting from Mother….to get this opportunity to tour China for such a noble job of spreading the sahaja love…the bliss…the chaitanya. We here pray and give bandan to all of you and your effort to be an effective instrument of our Divine Mother.

    Jai Shri Mataji,

  2. Jai Shri Mataji !!!

    Beautiful ! Once Shri Mataji told the twin children of Shri Ram & Shri Sita Devi, naming Lav and Kush went to China and Russia. They only incarnated as Lord Buddha and Mahavira. These dieties reside in our left and right agnya. It is nice that you all have visited such holy land. I am sure, some time u will visit Russia also which is already full of Sahajis.

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