Tianjin – “… your music of joy so uplifted my spirit”

Tianjin – “… your music of joy so uplifted my spirit”

(News from China Tour – Tianjin program, Thursday Sept 29, 2011)

The Tianjin Public Program was a full Sahaja public program. Alex gave the introductory speech, followed by Self Realisation, there also video presentations covering Sahaja Yoga, and then music, such music! The MOJ groups present music from many different countries which at the surface is a world cultural experience but at many deeper level there is so much working out which we cannot imagine.

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Last year during, the Tour at many of the programs, the audience was involved, but about half of the audience were clapping or dancing, some to keep their reserve and distance. This year’s Tour seems to have built on the work of the previous Tour. At every venue, 100% of the audience are clapping and are on their feet dancing. Any hint of reserve or holding back has evaporated like the morning mists, even though they do not understand much of what is being sung they just get it. They are such great people of an ancient and deep culture they feel the truth of the music so intuitively. We do not know how the work of the unconscious flows, but it seems last year’s tour moved something. So the response to this year’s tour is at another level. Honestly, we are where we belong, out in the world by taking up God’s work and pleasing Our Mother.

450 seekers from Tianjin received their Self Realisation and as the program progressed the vibrations and joy took them all to that special Sahaj place of bliss and happiness. We saw new Chinese seekers doing the traditional stick dance to Mata O Mata and dancing until the end of the program. An email to the website from an Australian student in China learning Mandarin, summarise the response of the audience…  “I have never seen an audience react that way in China normally they are very disruptive and talk through the program and don’t control their children and don’t respect the performers. It was so amazing to see the audience dancing and clapping and showing their appreciation, everyone had an amazing time, your music of joy so uplifted my spirit”.

Sincerely,  Chris (on behalf of the China Tour team)

One comment

  1. Lene Jeffrey

    Dear MOJ – it is so wonderful to hear about the tour and it certainly sounds like the vibrations are building on top of last years, taking experiences of realization to another level. I can just imagine the joy you all must be feeling and wish I was there with you. ENJOY and all the very best & Jai Shri Mataji from Lene

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