Today was our first official programme day in Brisbane (capital city of Queensland). We woke up early for a 6:30am collective meditation. A beautiful Ganesh puja was followed by a talk by Shri Mataji on the first power that we receive as Sahaja Yogis, regardless of our subtle condition- the ability to raise the kundalinis of others.
The local yogis had booked a theatre in the central Brisbane library, in the heart of the CBD. So we set up for the programme and welcomed the first seekers within 5 minutes of arriving. The flow was slow but steady throughout the day and we rotated ourselves between leafleting and manning the programme.
Now we are on our way back to the ashram, having stopped at a nearby beach to footsoak.
Jai Shri Mataji!
Jai Shri Mataji !
Nice. Thanks for laying the foundation. In the coming days it will manifest tremendously.