Dear Chris, John and the MOJ team,
On behalf of the organising team and the Malaysian collective, I thank you very much for spreading so much joy and our Mother’s love in Malaysia.
It is a tremendous feat for the MOJ team to be able to perform four concerts over four consecutive days. For any other team this would be an impossible task. And the most amazing thing is that the team left straight for the concert venue after touching down in KL from Hanoi and only after a few hours rest there, started the first concert. In spite of the initial PA system ‘maya’, the team was cool and gave an outstanding performance.
The performances in Seremban and Malacca received overwhelming response. Based on feedback, the audience thoroughly enjoyed the concert. And in Seremban the hall was over packed – 510 people and hall capacity is only 450 resulting in many people having to stand outside the hall.
And the best part is the performance in Chee Wen school. Initially, the audience was a bit shy. Then after some coaxing from MOJ, the children approached the stage and then refused to go back to their seats! From their innocent faces, we can see that they thoroughly enjoyed the program! Not only that, some parents also joined the dance.
Words are not adequate to describe what the MOJ team did in Malaysia. I hope that the DVD (presented to you and John) was able to capture the essence of concerts. And I hope you will share it with the Australian collective.
Lastly, I hope that MOJ enjoyed their stay in Malaysia. I promise, God willing, we will not put the team again through such a strenuous program!
Jai Shri Mataji!
Best wishes, Richard