Dear Yogis,
I am here at Cabella and visited the Villa at Genoa. I was privileged to have a small time with Shri Mataji.
I had prepared a folder with all the posters the Yogis sent of the programs in SE Asia. There was also information and photos of the Tour in Sri Lanka, and the Singapore program. All of this was presented.
Shri Mataji’s hand was upon the folder in blessing.
Sir CP then showed Shri Mataji every page of the folder and each poster. Shri Matajis attention went to every program.
Our Mother seemed most pleased and looked at every page as it was presented.
Please pass on the news of this auspicious blessing of all the programs to all Sahaja Yogis.
Our Mother gave Her blessings to this great work.
Chris Kyriacou (in Cabella)