(News from China Tour – Shenzhen program, Friday October 7, 2011)
Dear Yogis,
there are times only in Sahaja Yoga when the human aspect of our being is absorbed by the rising kundalini, the spirit is then connected to the absolute unconsciousness of God, it is when there is a space created where Heaven and the Earth overlap for a time, a new dimension is created where they occupy the same realm, and for a time we are in a such a place of pure spiritual beauty and vitality that is so revealing to the senses that the normal world pales in comparison.
Shri Mataji transported us to that realm when the Yogis gathered collectively worshiping Her with sacred Puja.
The Shenzhen program took us all to that place: it was transformingly liberating, reaffirming Sahaja Yoga in all its Divine glory. Probably one of the highlights of the 2011 Tour.
900 seekers attended the program and from the outset were attuned to the subtle and profound Divine manifestation of Shri Mataji’s love through Her vibrations.
From the opening of the program, with the Maha Mantras, the vibrations were flowing and clear, everything coming together, Shri Mataji , the audience , and the Yogis to create something unique and beautiful.
Shenzhen is the home town of the Yogi who have given tens of thousand people their self realisation. Perhaps this has pleased the Divine and added to the auspiciousness power so much felt at the Shenzhen program. It felt clear that Our Mother was with us in the formless and pleased.
Following Self Realisation. the audience were soon in the joy of the spirit and the entire audience were dancing, clapping and cheering. The group soon changed their planned playlist to music for the dance. And dance they did, all night long.
Shenzhen is one of those times when the reality of Sahaja Yoga in action, God’s transforming and liberating grace floods the awareness, the rest is just mists of the mind dissipated by the glory of the rising sun.
Following the program, we returned to the Shenzhen centre for a collective Puja. All things of life have their space, time, and place celebrating the glory of Our Mother with the Chinese Yogis is one of the important reasons we are here. This is a collective of 500, there maybe less opportunities to come to international Pujas, the feeling of integration and the strengthening of our Sahaja family with the beautiful introduction of the spiritual revelation of Sahaja Yoga in China felt so right and auspiciousness.
Sincerely, Chris (on behalf of the China Tour team)