Realise New Zealand 2014

Realise New Zealand 2014

Music of Joy Tour of New Zealand, 19th to 30th September, 2014

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

Realise New Zealand
Realise New Zealand

With the blessings of and our deep gratitude to Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, we the Sahaja Yogis of New Zealand are pleased to announce a Tour of Shri Kartikeya’s land from the 19th to the 30th of September 2014.

We extend an invitation to our brothers and sisters to join us on this special occasion to spread Mother’s gift of Self Realisation through music and vibrations.  School and public concerts will be held in Auckland, Wanganui and Wellington.

Please book your flights in to Auckland and departing from Wellington.

There is an estimated ground fare of between $NZ350-$400. This will cover food, accommodation at the Auckland ashram, both the Wanganui and Wellington marae, and transport costs (which includes car and van hire and petrol). Travel from Auckland to Wanganui, then on to Wellington is by cars and minivans.

We can accommodate up to 30 people at the ashram and Wellington marae* and preference for collective accommodation will be given to the musicians and those who register first. Some accommodation will be available at yogis’ houses and motels, if necessary, however an extra charge will need to be paid to stay at motels nearby. Due to space and logistics it may be necessary to place a limit on numbers, so best to get in early.

[*The marae, a sacred open meeting area, generally situated in front of the “wharerunanga”, communal meeting house.]

We wish to offer Puja to Shri Mataji and perform a Havan during this time. Other activities include bush walks, footsoaks in a number of beautiful beaches and general enjoyment of each other’s company.

You will need to bring sleeping bags, warm clothes and a raincoat.

To assist in our planning we request Yogis to register ASAP. Registration will close on Friday 29th August.

If you wish to arrive before or leave after the above dates you will need to make your own arrangements.

Please register before Friday 29th August at

More info
For further information, please contact Julie Marshall at: [email protected]
or phone (after hours) +64 9 908 4128.

With love,
from your brothers and sisters in Aoteoroa New Zealand

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