Invitation to come to Morocco in March 2015

Invitation to come to Morocco in March 2015

Jai Shri Mataji!

Sahaja Yogis will be giving Realization and  follow up in Morocco in the Capital city of Rabat the whole month of March.

We hope many sisters and brothers will be able to come in this beautiful country.

If you are interested to join, please contact Edith Peterman in Austria at : [email protected]

“….She would smile so much, have tears in Her eyes when we talked about Morocco. Every time we would talked about Morocco, immediately infinite vibrations would flow all around us and we all would feel tremendous joy in the room and the LOVE of Mother….” Memories from Bernadette in Cabella and Genova

morocco4smWith Love
Edith Peterman

One comment

  1. David & Trisha Sharp

    Eva, This is so cool….I saw this in far away New Zealand, and put it into a Bandhan. We will not be able to attend, but will have our best attention on it. We wish you all the very best and great success in giving many, many Moroccans their Self Realization. It is so important to spread Our Mother’s tremendous love around the World. JAI SHRI MATAJI !!! With much love from David and Trisha Sharp and all of us in N.Z.

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