Jai Shri Mataji
Dear family, we would like to share our recent Self Realisation Tour to Sri Lanka and the exciting development that is happening there!
Just a little background to the spreading of Sahaja yoga in Sri Lanka:
A yogini from USA of Sri Lankan decendency (Ramany) first taught her sister in Sri Lanka the basics of Sahaja Yoga and soon the seekers in a little village of Kaitady (North- close to Jaffna) started to get their realization. They get together for a simple collective meditation weekly and soon by Mother’s grace, Mother’s sari and Her shoes were sent to Sri Lanka and Mother’s presence was made!
As you all know the war had taken a toll on this beautiful country and people(local and foreigners) had little or no access to the Northern region where most of the war had taken place (between the Government army and the Tamil Freedom Fighters) for 25 years. Travel to the North is allowed only if the permission of the Military is given. Many Sahajis of Sri Lankan decendency in foreign lands could only watch and pray that there would be some form of respite and divine intervention and that Sahaja Yoga would also some day spread in this land.
Then in May 2009 the war ended after much carnage, destruction, suffering, loss, pain, bloodshed. By some sudden desire to travel to Sri Lanka, 2 yogis from India and myself (from Malaysia) found ourselves making arrangements to spread Sahaja Yoga in Sri Lanka (especially the North). We needed to have the mandatory Ministry Of Defence permission to travel (MOD permit) to the North. After vainly waiting for their permission, all 3 of us decided to proceed with our plans anyway for 23 Dec 2009 to travel to Kaitady and teach more substance to the waiting seekers and yogis. Miraculously, on the 19th Dec 2009, a National announcement was made in Sri Lanka, that MOD permit was not required anymore! So we went joyously to Kaitady and taught deeper lessons for the yogis, had the first Havan ever in Sri Lanka and had the most beautiful experiences with seekers who are so readily accepting Mother! We returned on the 2nd Jan 2010 to Colombo (capital of Sri Lanka) and on that day another National announcement was made- the Military had reinstated the need for MOD! What sheer miracle…as if Mother opened the window long enough for us to spread in the North as well as establish Sahaja Yoga in the north! That trip, more than 300 people got their realization.
Soon, we decided to return in May 2010 where for the first time a public programme was held in Colombo. Seekers poured in. More programmes were held in Kaitady and Jaffna (north) as well and by then more than 800 people got their realization. The programmes were supported by Malaysia, Australia, USA, Switzerland and India- and what a pooja it was! We started conducting monthly classes where Malaysian facilitators take turns to come and teach in Colombo.
In Dec 2010, yet more public programmes was held, and this time in Colombo, Kaitady, Jaffna, Haton, Nuwaraeliya. Newspapers and radio stations carried our programmes and seekers kept coming. Collectives started to be conducted in Jaffna as well. Malaysian yogis were supported by Indian Sahajis who generously again donated Tamil materials much needed in this country.
By May 2011, similar public programmes and monthly classes were held and a collective programmes started in Colombo on a more permanent basis. The joy amongst new yogis were apparent as they sang and participated in the programmes and collectives as if they belonged there from before! Here is a brief about the tour which comprised of 5 eager Malaysians.
26th May- Some of us arrived on the 26th May to start the preparatory work (like putting up banners, getting our accommodations and transportation sorted out, getting the MOD permits ready). Advertisements in papers and radio went full scale.
27th May- morning we had collective with new yogis and in the evening we had public prog for seekers. Footsoaking was introduced and everyone just enjoyed the serene mediation. A radio station interviewed us and it went on air the next day!!
28th May- we again had collective in the morning and in the evening public programme. So many seekers came that we had to split the hall into 2 and teach brand new seekers separately from the older ones:) That night some of us left for the North (a journey of 12 hours by van) and some stayed back to teach more for the new seekers in Colombo. The radio station again was willing to carry and an interview and this time with SR being given to seekers over the radio!!:) The good news sent us all into such a joyous state!
29th May- havan was conducted in Kaitady. As they depend on us to teach them new techniques and knowledge, many found the Havan amazing and experienced deep meditation and vibrations.
30th May- a public prog was held in Jaffna and we took the opportunity to teach the older seekers proper techniques which they just eagerly absorbed. Most had been introduced to these clearing techniques but unfortunately the knowledge is not properly established and frequently practised- hence a refresher course was due:)
1st June – we left for Nuwaraeliya at 2am and conducted a programme with bhajans at the Gayathri temple. many temple going seekers could relate to the bhajans eg Gyana Nirmalameh; Aigiri Nandini and started clapping and shaking their heads in joy. As we sang the 108 names of Shri Shiva, vibrations just flowed (there are 108 swambur lingas in the temple.
2nd June – we had a totally interactive prog with the Regional International School students who were of different races. We had a similar prog in Dec 2009 too. The principal was so impressed he has offered us to teach the whole school in Sept 2011:) How lovely ..Jai Shri Mataji!We then went to the Seetha temple nearby to footsoak. According to history, Shri seetha, used to bathe in this river and there are footprints of Shri Hanuman on the banks of the river. For those who are not familiar with the story…When shri Seetha was kidnapped by Ravana, Shri Hanuman came to visit Her and later returned with Shri Rama and the army of monkeys to vanquish Ravana. The vibrations of this river is fantastic and mediation is so easy. A must visit!! It is the only Seetha temple in the world by the way. A vibrated place indeed. O
3rd June – return to base in Colombo. We managed to stop in Kandy and see the Kandy and see their beautiful cultural dances. We returned to Malaysia the following day after some …ahem…shopping.
The tour on the whole was such a success and almost 350 people got their Self Realisation. We returned in comfort knowing that even more seekers would have gotten their SR via the radio Prog. We also felt so happy that a bi weekly collective is in progress in Colombo and a weekly one in Kaitady and Jaffna.
What we can do to keep Sahaja Yoga growing in Sri Lanka:
Of course, we need all the sahajis to constantly keep their attention on spreading Sahaja Yoga all over the world and keep Sri Lanka in their attention too.. and that is why I am sharing this mail with all of you.
a) We could of course also do with Tamil speaking facilitators as well as English ones (some seekers do speak English) to assist in the bi- weekly collectives in Colombo and maybe even in the weekly collectives in Kaitady and Jaffna so that these yogis keep learning as most of them do not understand Mother’s talks in English and also because Tamil materials are scarce. I would be happy to give you the dates of collectives and future classes for interested facilitators. FYI, even if you do not speak Tamil, there are so many ways you can help us by just being there.
b) we need Tamil materials- books, brochures bhajan books, mantra books, articles adn talks and dvds with tamil subtitles.
c) Funds are also weI would be happy to give you the dates of collectives and future classes for interested facilitators. . The ones we have received so far from generous yogis have been prudently used only for hall bookings (for progs and collectives) and newspaper adverts and leaflets.
After all the suffering all these years, the Sri Lankan seekers are yearning for inner peace and they are READY to receive us… Pls let me know if you would like to join us in the future progs in Sri Lanka. I promise you..it will be a joyful one full of adventure:))
Jai Shri Mataji
Jai Sri Mataji..
Dear Sis.. I would love to come along..
If I could be of ever any help….
Please keep posted..
She is always there .. looking after her children.. and u guys are wonderful and have got an opportunity to be involved in this dIVINE WORK.. 🙂