A note from Sir CP about the North East Asian Tour

A note from Sir CP about the North East Asian Tour

Dear Yogis of Australia,

Jai Shri Mataji!

As you are aware Shri Mataji is putting everything in place for our dedicated brothers and sister to be Her vehicles to take Her message of enlightenment, peace, joy, and becoming One with the Divine, to our neighbours in Asia.  You will have noted the wonderful news coming regularly from those involved and the great waves of Divine vibrations emanating from this work.

We are sending regular reports to Shri Mataji and Sir CP who are taking a particular interest in this wonderful initiative and experiencing great joy in learning of the news that we are fulfilling the wishes of Our Holy Mother in spreading Sahaja Yoga.

Sir CP has kindly responded with the beautiful letter below and I’m sure every one of us join him in expressing our great gratitude to those undertaking this important work.

Very best wishes to everyone,
Vishnu (Australia)

From Sir C.P. Srivastava

Dear Chris,

Your extremely heartening message relating to the North East Asian Tour was read out by me to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and SHE was visibly moved and greatly delighted.

HER LOVE and BLESSINGS may please be conveyed to all its participants, especially to Michael Staniforth, the Co-ordinator for Taiwan and the Romanian Bhajan Group.

SHE is confident that programmes in Japan and Korea will be equally successful.

HER LOVE and BLESSINGS to the Co-ordinators  and Sahaja Yogis of all Shri Ganesha Puja Hosting Countries.

SHE sends HER LOVE and Blessings to you. Your complete dedication to spreading HER spiritual and uniting message of Sahaja Yoga is extremely heartening.

With my feelings of immense adoration for you Dear Chris, for providing the most heartening example of total dedication to spreading the glorious message of SHRI MATAJI’S vision of pure love for all.

C.P. Srivastava

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